Thursday, July 30, 2009

Palin Ethic's Complaint

Conservative bloggers for days have been making a big deal out of the motives of Tom Daniels that well-known Anchorage labor lawyer who discovered and found evidence that the legal fund for Sarah Palin violates the state Ethic's Act.
Do people realize that Tom Daniels contributes to the campaigns of Democrats, and is a partner in a big national firm that represents Barack Hussein Obama, and helps handle his democratic groups. Ahha....I can just picture it now. Them all sitting out in the back yard sipping their European beer, and thinking of all the angles they could muster up to get Palin to resign.
We'll I am sure they are all celebrating. Any word from the Obama team on the oust of Palin? Any sense of remorse, or Obama getting up and expressing his sadness of her leaving. Oh...well.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Palin has also been taken to task on the names of her children. Amazing, the name Hussein never raised a "red flag", no pun intended. She didn't finish out her term. The distractors use that too. Let's see now, Hillary Clinton was still first lady when she visited New York and decided the city held great interest for her and her family. Yes, thats when she decided to run for Senator. This was a flagrant pretense so she could have an excuse to run for Senator. Sarah Palin is an inspiration and an icon of conservatism.
